Ten Ways To Decrease The Risk Of Online Breakups And Divorce

January 20, 2015 / Online Dating Advice / 1 Comment /

Online Breakups

The majority of Americans will find the person they choose to marry offline, but at least one third of marriages in the United States begin online. A recent study done jointly at Michigan State University and Stanford University found that couples that meet online are less likely to stay together than offline couples. The study also revealed that couples that meet online date more than they actually marry, and when they marry their marriages ended within the first two years. The chance of divorce with online marriages vs. offline marriages was more than double. Date an Asian to limit divorce and breakups. How to end an online relationship?

To understand why divorce is so much more likely with couples that meet online you’d have to consider many areas. Trust being one of the most important. It’s difficult to trust someone who is “out there” but not with you. Marriages are built on a friendship, and friendship demands being there and doing things together as well as being engaged in all parts of each other’s lives. How is it like to experience a cyber relationship breakup. Communication is expressed in numerous ways, and being with a person virtually rather than physically limits communication.   Commitment and feeling secure are more difficult with online dating. Closing a screen and saying goodbye is much different than curling up together on the couch and being there with one another in a physical embrace. Intimacy is an important part of marriage and that comes with feeling each other’s skin, smelling one another’s scent and sharing family and friends over Sunday night dinner. What are the signs your online relationship is over? Was the breakup for the best? Online dating can fool you, leading you to think you know the person better than you do, and therefore couples may have sex too soon, while skipping over developing a true friendship and intimacy. Having sex too soon leads to the demise of many relationships. People want to learn how to move on from a breakup.

10 suggestions to minimize your breakup risk with online partners:

  1. Communicate as much as you can, and at unexpected times. This is important if you date an Asian.
  2. Postpone sex and develop the friendship first and foremost.
  3. Get to know his/her family and make sure your family meets your online friend.
  4. Get to know their friends and be sure your friends know who you are dating.
  5. Get to know where they work and what they do and make sure this is true.
  6. Talk about when you are both going off the online site and becoming exclusive. Once again, don’t assume that just talking about it means the other person has stopped dating others.
  7. Slow down…talking for hours every night may help you feel closer, but trust takes time to build.
  8. Invest in couples online sites that promote activities rather than dates. www.filipino4u.com is the most family oriented site.
  9. Watch the how your online date treats others and interacts with others.
  10. Never give them money, passwords, photos you don’t want shared or anything else they could use against you.

A successful marriage is based on communication, depth and trust. The more you are able to develop these two qualities with your partner the more likely you will find contentment and compatibility in marriage.

Read more about how to limit divorce on www.filipino4u.com ! Date an Asian today!

1 Comment

  1. Avatar


    July 28, 2019

    It's one of the hardest thing to deal wit breaking up online and that is letting it go.

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